JAI UNLEASHED Ariel sat across the table from Mike as he ate. However, Ariel just could not force herself to eat a bit because her stomach was too upset from nervousness. Ever since she met him, Ariel has never had such an uneasy feeling about telling Mike something as at this very moment. She finally […]

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Small Delay?

As I was getting the first few issues up, something dawned on me. When I introduced Victoria Malloy originally, she was an added character not in the first original plans. But when I introduced her, Travis met her and made reference to seeing her around before. So this time, I thought why not actually make […]

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AFTERMATH The SR-71D landed at McGuire Air Force Base as the sun was rapidly setting. Travis looked out the window and noticed several armed individuals standing around. He looked back at Kurt across the aisle and asked, “Are we allowed to be here?” “Yes. They will guard the plane while we head to New York.” […]

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WARZONE NYC In New York, a nightclub named Tartarus was closed during the day unlike at night when a certain influential young crowd frequent there. Even though the club was closed, four cars were parked in the back with two men in suits standing by each car. Outside of the one each seemed to be […]

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STORMBRINGER Fall… Los Angeles, California…  Noon… She sat at her desk just staring at her computer screen in her cubicle. Things have changed for her lately but she was not sure if the changes were good ones or not. True, she just left a dead end job in the northern part of the state at […]

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A meteor entered the Earth’s atmosphere and slammed into the ground. The impact shot dust and debris into the atmosphere and caused the Earth to enter the Ice Age, killing the dominant species on the planet. The event ended the age of the dinosaurs. Roughly, sixty-five million years later, 1789 AD… In Norway, the first […]

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